IMPEC (2016)
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IMPEC 2016 conference video report (Multimodal Screen-Based Interactions)

Screen-based presence
What screen-based communication changes in our way of being present to ourselves, to others, to the world

The 2016 edition of this conference is structured around the central theme of presence. The presentations will focus on presence as concept(s) and practice(s) through, via and with screens. The aim of this conference is to continue the study of the digital comunications landscape, ever tansforming or diversifying itself through screens, whether for private and leisure interactions, in an educational context or a professional context.
> link to the conference website
> link to the press pack
> link to the teaser (2016)
> link to the plenary sessions (2016)

Report IMPEC 2016

Report sur le colloque IMPEC 2016 (Interactions Multimodales Par ECran).

Présence(s) à l'écran.
Ce que la communication avec les écrans change dans la façon d’être présent à soi, aux autres, au monde

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Durée: 5 minutes


Christian Dury


Billy King Creek


Richard Kern, Christine Develotte, Marie-Christine Dhien, Marie-Anne Paveau, Louise Merzeau


Joséphine Remon

Conduite des entretiens

Morgane Domanchin

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